
What came first- the chickens or the blog?

My name is Mrs Gillybirds and I keep hens

The adventures of a first time hen keeper


Inspired by the novels of James Heriot and his antics as a country vet? Then move swiftly on to another blog!
If however like me you keep hens, dogs or children, or juggle a random mix of all three, love life, have a passion to bake, crochet, craft things but rarely finish anything (except the cakes), if your laundry basket is overflowing with odd black socks, you like to laugh at yourself, and are not afraid to let yourself and your family down on social media, then grab a big mug of tea, push the dog off the comfy chair, put your feet up and read on. We might just become friends
Mrs G xx


3 responses to “My name is Mrs Gillybirds and I keep hens

  1. Just to let you know that I have nominated you for a ‘Very Inspiring Blogger’ Award (… just a token of my appreciation.

  2. violetannie63 says:

    Thank you for following my blog. Much appreciated! Love yours! 🙂

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