
What came first- the chickens or the blog?

A Souvenir of Scotland

on July 20, 2012

While the egg production has been less than expected, while Mr Gillybirds has been off cycling 900+ miles from Land’s End to John O’Groats, I have not been idle, crafting away to fill the long evenings. This French Hen cross stitch is just back from the framers. The threads were variegated which gives it a nice depth and the hen shape if you can see it well enough is made up of little chick and basket motifs. I’m really pleased with how it has turned out, and it didn’t take long to sew.

While away on my Tartan Road Trip across Scotland (850 miles) to pick Mr Gillybirds up, accompanied by my excellent navigator Son Number 4, we had lunch at the wonderfully named “Storehouse of Foulis” which had a delightful selection of hen based merchandise. It’s always nice to have a little souvenir, and what better than an Emma Bridgewater egg holder that matches my kitchen perfectly!

Just need a few eggs to put into it now.

The Storehouse of Foulis restrooms were hen based too. Great fun!




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